Statement of Intent
LRS Ltd. are committed to ensuring the health and safety of our staff and others who may be directly affected by our activities. We strive to be the benchmark of health and safety good practice across all sectors in which we operate.
LRS Ltd. will be accountable for:
▪ Instituting a health and safety policy and updating on an annual basis
▪ Checking that health and safety legislation and regulations are followed
▪ Ensuring that LRS Ltd. have adequate insurance in place
We are committed to:
▪ The provision of a productive and safe working environment
▪ Preventing accidents and any work-related illnesses
▪ Managing health and safety risks in our workplaces
▪ Providing clear instructions, information, and adequate training so that all staff are
competent to carry out their work safely
▪ Joint consultation with employees on health and safety matters
▪ Safe arrangements for the handling, storage and transportation of any articles and
▪ Maintenance of safe systems of work and safe plant and equipment
▪ Maintaining safe and healthy working conditions
▪ Implementing / following the emergency procedures, including evacuation in case of fire /other incident when on site
▪ Monitoring and reviewing our policies regularly
We will:
▪ Comply with all statutory requirements
▪ Minimise risks via assessment where appropriate
▪ Set high targets and objectives to develop a culture of continuous improvement
▪ Have adequate resources available to address health and safety issues, so far as is
reasonably practicable
▪ Provide / wear protective equipment and clothing as required
▪ Provide suitable resources to ensure effective health, safety, and risk management
▪ Identify and assess hazards and risks and allocate adequate resources to implement
effective control measures
▪ Provide competent health and safety advice for all employees
▪ Provide clear and regular communication around our health and safety performance
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